Monday 26 July 2010

MLS Footballs Care Home? 26/07/10

MLS Footballs Care Home?

The MLS is beginning to get a reputation for being footballs care home with the likes of Henry (32), Beckham aged (35), Ljunberg (33) and soon Pires (36) moving from big European clubs to MLS, the MLS does have a pulling power despite a very small fan base due to the lifestyle and a huge pool of dollars circulating in American “Soccer”. Perhaps this American so called “Care home” will be good for the game, American interest in the game could be a fantastic economical opportunity for clubs world wide, and the likes of Henry and Beckham playing in the MLS is bound to get more people involved in the sport. Some English clubs have noticed this and are taking advantage of the situation by touring North America as well as setting up club websites for the people of America. So from a football point of view big names moving to America can only be a good thing.

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