Monday 14 February 2011

McClaren Happy To Manage A Championship Club

Former England and Middlesbrough manager Steve McClaren was recently sacked by the German club, Wolfsburg. The Englishman said in an interview with SkySportsNews, “At Wolfsburg it was hard, they wanted instant success, I prefer working for clubs who seek long term success.” While Steve McClaren has had great success at FC Twente and Middlesbrough his career is tainted slightly by his poor spell in charge of England, McClaren said his struggle in charge of England keeps him on his toes.

A move back to England could be on the cards after McClaren said that we was happy to come home and that he would be happy to manage a Championship club. Middlesbrough who at the start of this season were favourites to win the Championship are currently 20th and are in a relegation battle. McClaren achieved great success at Middlesbrough, under McClaren’s reign as manager of M‘Brough the club won it’s first major trophy (The League Cup) and qualified for the UEFA Cup, (Now known as the UEFA Europa League) the club also got it’s highest ever Premier League finish.

Will Steve McClaren be the man to turn round Middlesbrough’s ship or will he move to another club that he has not managed before? If Avram Grant fails to keep his job at the helm of West Ham United then maybe that is the type of club Steve would want to manage, in the long term the board and the fans expect great things but I am sure, at least for the first season or so, finishing in the top 15 would be more than enough. Which is just the kind of job McClaren said he wanted. But I am sure that McClaren will not be a free agent for much longer.
Written by Thomas Munson

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