Wednesday 2 February 2011

Wenger Out-burst

Last night Arsene Wenger accused Chelsea of hypocrisy after questioning the logic of Roman Abramovich's extraordinary £76.5m spending in last months transfer window, despite the Russian owner claiming to support UEFA's policy of financial fair play. So far this season Chelsea have made a loss of around £140m which is £110m over the allowed loss as of 12/13 season. These new regulations only effect teams competing in the UEFA Champions League, the rules essentially mean that the maximum loss a club can make per season is £30m, making the major European leagues more competitive. Failure to meet regulations will result in expulsion from the UEFA Champions League. Arsene Wenger felt it was ironic that one day Roman Abramovich claimed he was more than happy with the financial fair play rules and within a month he spent £70m in one day. Clubs like Manchester City spend more in wages than they make in turnover on top of the £300m they have spent in the last three seasons. What is the point of spending big money like that when you will get banned from the Champions League anyway.

The English club that should benefit most from these new rules is Arsenal, who are one of two Premier League clubs that ran in profit last season, a £53m profit to be exact. Making profits like these is certainly going to help chip away at the debt of building the Emirates, which is UEFA’s goal. And a new era of football will begin.
Written by Thomas Munson

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